World Of Midgard Lore Part 5
Necatus turned to Ofren and stated calmly that the unfortunate events of the previous moment illustrated aptly the way the Fury must be maintained.
The BloodDrakes and the Orcs could never truly trust each other, but they could work together to expand their collective influence.
Necatus clasped Ofren’s hand, sealing the tenuous pact.
Then, the BloodDrake consulate took up the body and head of Craxis and returned to the plains.
5: Astrell and the Alliance
This parlay was observed by Dwarven scouts, who immediately reported back to their king Gorst.
Gorst took a moment to assess the true implications of this Fury.
Focused though the BloodDrakes and Orcs were on the Shore, they may use this new-combined force to finally take the upper mountains for good and all.
Gorst was a quintessential Dwarf Lord: pragmatic , stubborn, and independent.
He insisted on forging through the Orc lands personally to deliver news of this turn of events to the humans of the Shore.
Gorst spoke of the Fury to one of the young commanders of the Shore: Astrell, a fair and just fisherman and general, universally beloved.
Even the elder warrior-strategists would cede important judgments to the preternaturally wise Astrell.
Astrell in his reasoned assessment knew that his people’s phalanxes would not be able to withstand a combined and coordinated assault.
The shore would need to unite with former enemies as well, and fast.
Gorst swore that if Astrell could hold against the assaults to come, he would organize hundreds of small Dwarf brigades to rove the Orcish mountains and strike at Ofren’s commanding officers and reserve forces.
The Dwarves already in accordance, Astrell aimed to bring the Human Sorcerers of the Desert and the Elves of the Wood into an Alliance.
He had two brothers, Gregor and Elghinn.
He sent Gregor to speak with the leader of the tree clans and Elghinn to wander into the desert under a flag of peace with the aim of uniting humanity in Midgard.
Gregor approached the Great Wood bearing a sack filled with dried fish and fruits.
He shouted to the Orcish guards that he came in peace and would not enter the Wood until their leader, Glastor, tossed his standard from the Wood as a sign of peace.
Every time Gregor called this, a volley of arrows shot from the Wood, landing at his feet.
And each time Gregor would step forward and call again. This continued for three days time, until from the darkened forest emerged the elder Glastor, bearing his standard.
Glastor was more than a century old and rarely left the Great Wood, but the good of his clan impelled him to do so now.
He set his standard in the ground and sat next to it.
Gregor set his sack of gifts before him and sat as well.
They spoke but briefly and to the point.
Glastor was a proud father to the woodsmen, but he understood the danger that lay before them and the opportunity the people of the Shore were offering.
A deal was struck wherein a weekly offering of fish and fruit would be brought to the Wood in exchange for …